It was a cheerful morning , if I could remember.. tepat 4.57am... a beautiful baby girl was born.. though at that time I didn't actually realised she was already born.. 28th April 2005.. tarikh keramat kelahiran puteri sulungku.. tak sangka dah branak dah ehehhe..alih alih nurse tu letak baby atas perut..

"Dah udah ke?" eheh leh lak tanya camtuh.. ni la kesnya bila amik banyak sgt gas masa nak bersalin :) .. Tak sangka tul dah lahir baby ni.. Slama ni duk sessi bercakap ngan perut which is always been done by my hubby.. I couldn't speak to the baby coz I always have this feeling.. since you are still in me.. so buat apa cakap kuat kuat.. cakap dalam hati je laa.. perut ngan hati kan ke dekat hehehee :) boleh?

I was due on 27th April, 2005, however, on the day I was supposed to deliver.. tak sakit-sakit pun.. pelik gak.. langsung tak sakit apa.. I can go out for makan-makan to celebrate my mother in law's birthday with some friends.. balik malam tu langsung tak sakit pun.. so, esoknya pegi la spital jumpa dr macam check up biasa.. dr tanya "so nurul, u nak branak bila?" I answered,"ntahla.. ikut dr la.. ari ni pun leh".. so dr pun kata.. "kang masuk wad ye.. I bagi ubat kasi u branak" .. so dengan macho nya I checked in lam spital :). Ptg tu Leila dtg visit.. heheheh ..my first visitor ..

Kul 5pm nurse dtg induce.. still tak sakit.. org kat opis duk sms tanya.. dah sakit lom.. masih macho lagik jawab tak rasa pape pun.. sampai la kul 9.30mlm.. masya Allah sakitnya .. still relax n baca buku on how to exercise when u r having contractions.. I could do it for about 20 mins then I gave up.. too painful to do any exercise.. so I laid down sampai the nurses wheeled me into the labour room at 12 midnite. So bertarung lah nyawa lam bilik tu... I was fortunate that my hubby was around to support and bear with me through out the process.. Alhamdullilah everything went smoothly... Allah heard our prayers.. semua ugly thoughts that I had before the delivery was washed away went I look into Indah's eyes :)

Baby kitorg ni.. kitorg namakan Indah Sity Insyirah... maksudnya simple je.. Indah (Cantik) Sity (Puteri) Insyirah (Kelapangan) bila cantum.. ni ikut firasat kami suami isteri.. Indah puteri yang lapang (aman/tenteram/mudah) ...tapi slalu panggil Indah je eehhehe.. :) berat lahir was 2.9kg.. length was 45cm.. panjang gak la for a baby :) I will be in Ipoh for the whole confinement process :) Hope that it will be alrite.. tapi kesian gak hubby kene tinggal umah sengsorang.. :)

"Dah udah ke?" eheh leh lak tanya camtuh.. ni la kesnya bila amik banyak sgt gas masa nak bersalin :) .. Tak sangka tul dah lahir baby ni.. Slama ni duk sessi bercakap ngan perut which is always been done by my hubby.. I couldn't speak to the baby coz I always have this feeling.. since you are still in me.. so buat apa cakap kuat kuat.. cakap dalam hati je laa.. perut ngan hati kan ke dekat hehehee :) boleh?

I was due on 27th April, 2005, however, on the day I was supposed to deliver.. tak sakit-sakit pun.. pelik gak.. langsung tak sakit apa.. I can go out for makan-makan to celebrate my mother in law's birthday with some friends.. balik malam tu langsung tak sakit pun.. so, esoknya pegi la spital jumpa dr macam check up biasa.. dr tanya "so nurul, u nak branak bila?" I answered,"ntahla.. ikut dr la.. ari ni pun leh".. so dr pun kata.. "kang masuk wad ye.. I bagi ubat kasi u branak" .. so dengan macho nya I checked in lam spital :). Ptg tu Leila dtg visit.. heheheh ..my first visitor ..

Kul 5pm nurse dtg induce.. still tak sakit.. org kat opis duk sms tanya.. dah sakit lom.. masih macho lagik jawab tak rasa pape pun.. sampai la kul 9.30mlm.. masya Allah sakitnya .. still relax n baca buku on how to exercise when u r having contractions.. I could do it for about 20 mins then I gave up.. too painful to do any exercise.. so I laid down sampai the nurses wheeled me into the labour room at 12 midnite. So bertarung lah nyawa lam bilik tu... I was fortunate that my hubby was around to support and bear with me through out the process.. Alhamdullilah everything went smoothly... Allah heard our prayers.. semua ugly thoughts that I had before the delivery was washed away went I look into Indah's eyes :)

Baby kitorg ni.. kitorg namakan Indah Sity Insyirah... maksudnya simple je.. Indah (Cantik) Sity (Puteri) Insyirah (Kelapangan) bila cantum.. ni ikut firasat kami suami isteri.. Indah puteri yang lapang (aman/tenteram/mudah) ...tapi slalu panggil Indah je eehhehe.. :) berat lahir was 2.9kg.. length was 45cm.. panjang gak la for a baby :) I will be in Ipoh for the whole confinement process :) Hope that it will be alrite.. tapi kesian gak hubby kene tinggal umah sengsorang.. :)
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