Berpantang.... not much I could tell here, since this is my first time berpantang .. eheh pengalaman tak banyak.. anyways.. I would like to share a thing or two just for frens out there yang bakal berpantang...
I did my confinement (full 56 days.. patutnya 60) in Ipoh.. my parents place.. my parents had prepared everything for me.. the set bersalin from AFIAT.. the makcik urut, the bengkung, the tungku and others la.. so...It started on the 3rd day I delivered Indah.. discharge je dari spital terus my mom suh balik Ipoh la la tu jugak.. her reasons was kalau I wait any longer...nanti angin masuk badan.. she wants me to go through the process as soon as possible. So the very next day, a makcik called "mak long" came over and did some Malay ritual on me. First of all, she bathed me.. the bath is a mixture of warm luke water with some fragrant leaves such as:
1. Daun Serai Wangi
2. Daun Pandan
3. Daun Mengkudu
4. Daun Sireh
5. Halba
While bathing, mak long recited some prayers.. after that, I was getting prepared for the massage.. I was reluctant to do the massage in the beginning coz I ni penakut.. ehheheh kalau kene picit ni sakit laaaaa... dunno how people can actually say having a massage can relax your body.. hehehehe

She massaged my whole body and true.. it was relaxing.. :) nak tertido tido dibuatnya...ehehehhe.. lepas urut.. bertungku pulak.. batu nya masya allah besar amatz... batu sungai la katakan.. batu tu dibalut ngan daun mengkudu and kain batik lama.. pastu mak long pun tungku la perut ku ini... after tungku.. she mixed some kapur (yang org mkn ngan sireh) with a spoon or two of air limau nipis.. but after a few days.. she has to changed it to a mixture of jadam, ingu and vinegar on my stomach (sebab I alergy kapur.. gatal perut jadinya).. reason buat mende ni.. supaya perut dapat kecut kembali.. after puting all this mixture baru lah pakai bengkung....

Bengkungnya pulak.. bengkung jawa gitu.. 10 meter kain beb.. jgn tatau.. ari ari la my mom tolong ikatkan.. berpusing pusing.. nasib baik ada tiang kat umah.. leh la ikat kat tiang and main pusing pusing... after berbengkung baru la i'm allow to take my food... my food would be.. nasi putih satu senduk (tak leh lebih ye)..lauk ikan haruan (pape style masak tapi kene kering).. air suam 1 gelas (1 je ye jgn lebih).. bila dah masuk minggu ke 4 baru leh makan ayam.. eheheh...kalau makan dulu pastu bengkung "baik tak yah" kata my mom :P.. so memang kene pakai dulu la bengkungnya...after pakai bengkung... kene pakai stokin pulak.. tak leh miss.. my brother yg slalu jadi mangsa pakaikan stokin ni.. heheh sebab i can't bend down once dah pakai bengkung.. bila dah setel semue.. my mom would comb my hair up and tie it up ketat ketat macam samurai.. pehhhh.. I couldn't look anymore beautiful than this.. ehhehehe

Jamu.. eheh air "fear factor" I would call this.. sungguh la tak suka nak telan.. tapi sebab nak sehat nak slim.. telan je laa....but I only drink jamu after the 44 days of pantang.. this is because Indah ada rashes .. so I only start drinking the jamu after the 44th day. Alhamdulillah, Indah takde any bad reaction after that.. she can take it.. :) good girl..
So,, like that la.. I went through the same process day by day doing the same thing.. boring tu usah la cite tapi nak sehat and nak slim (I repeat.. nak SLIM) punya pasal.. semue ku harungi dengan tabah ehehhehe :)
I did my confinement (full 56 days.. patutnya 60) in Ipoh.. my parents place.. my parents had prepared everything for me.. the set bersalin from AFIAT.. the makcik urut, the bengkung, the tungku and others la.. so...It started on the 3rd day I delivered Indah.. discharge je dari spital terus my mom suh balik Ipoh la la tu jugak.. her reasons was kalau I wait any longer...nanti angin masuk badan.. she wants me to go through the process as soon as possible. So the very next day, a makcik called "mak long" came over and did some Malay ritual on me. First of all, she bathed me.. the bath is a mixture of warm luke water with some fragrant leaves such as:
1. Daun Serai Wangi
2. Daun Pandan
3. Daun Mengkudu
4. Daun Sireh
5. Halba
While bathing, mak long recited some prayers.. after that, I was getting prepared for the massage.. I was reluctant to do the massage in the beginning coz I ni penakut.. ehheheh kalau kene picit ni sakit laaaaa... dunno how people can actually say having a massage can relax your body.. hehehehe

She massaged my whole body and true.. it was relaxing.. :) nak tertido tido dibuatnya...ehehehhe.. lepas urut.. bertungku pulak.. batu nya masya allah besar amatz... batu sungai la katakan.. batu tu dibalut ngan daun mengkudu and kain batik lama.. pastu mak long pun tungku la perut ku ini... after tungku.. she mixed some kapur (yang org mkn ngan sireh) with a spoon or two of air limau nipis.. but after a few days.. she has to changed it to a mixture of jadam, ingu and vinegar on my stomach (sebab I alergy kapur.. gatal perut jadinya).. reason buat mende ni.. supaya perut dapat kecut kembali.. after puting all this mixture baru lah pakai bengkung....

Bengkungnya pulak.. bengkung jawa gitu.. 10 meter kain beb.. jgn tatau.. ari ari la my mom tolong ikatkan.. berpusing pusing.. nasib baik ada tiang kat umah.. leh la ikat kat tiang and main pusing pusing... after berbengkung baru la i'm allow to take my food... my food would be.. nasi putih satu senduk (tak leh lebih ye)..lauk ikan haruan (pape style masak tapi kene kering).. air suam 1 gelas (1 je ye jgn lebih).. bila dah masuk minggu ke 4 baru leh makan ayam.. eheheh...kalau makan dulu pastu bengkung "baik tak yah" kata my mom :P.. so memang kene pakai dulu la bengkungnya...after pakai bengkung... kene pakai stokin pulak.. tak leh miss.. my brother yg slalu jadi mangsa pakaikan stokin ni.. heheh sebab i can't bend down once dah pakai bengkung.. bila dah setel semue.. my mom would comb my hair up and tie it up ketat ketat macam samurai.. pehhhh.. I couldn't look anymore beautiful than this.. ehhehehe

Jamu.. eheh air "fear factor" I would call this.. sungguh la tak suka nak telan.. tapi sebab nak sehat nak slim.. telan je laa....but I only drink jamu after the 44 days of pantang.. this is because Indah ada rashes .. so I only start drinking the jamu after the 44th day. Alhamdulillah, Indah takde any bad reaction after that.. she can take it.. :) good girl..
So,, like that la.. I went through the same process day by day doing the same thing.. boring tu usah la cite tapi nak sehat and nak slim (I repeat.. nak SLIM) punya pasal.. semue ku harungi dengan tabah ehehhehe :)
apa pung yg depa suwuh aku makan, minum dan buat..akan ku harungi jua nnti....demi SLIM smula.. aku tak kire...aku kene balik to my 40++ figure... no more 60++ :(
kene swim pegi balik stulang ke singapore pun aku sanggup!!!!
ko stay la gumuk ayu :D
ehehhe leh aku terus nampak lagi kurus dari ko ehehehhe
no no no no no..dun phunk with my heart...
bak kata black eyed peas...
seksa nya nak pantang..byk benar procedurenya...mat salleh rilek jek yg penting ke gym bebeh!
ehhehe tu la beza nya kita ngan org putih.. takpe leila
time ko nanti ko wat cara org bugis :D ehhehe
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