Indah:"Ummi.. seeee.. A for apple ummi...."
Ummi:"Fuiyooooooooo.. tererr sehhhhhhhh.. baru pat bulan dah gheti baca buku ..."
Papa: "Yang.. bangun... awak ngigau ek? Amende yang A for apple memalam ni? Ish ish ish..."
(perbualan di atas tidak wujud sama sekali ehhehehe..semua kene tipu..eehehhe)
ehehe.. got another book for Indah..
1 big beetle... a big big beetle
A for apple... a big red apple
2 white pigeons.. outside the window
B for boat... a big yellow boat
3 white mice.. 3 white mice with coloured tails..
C for cat.. a big orange cat...
Indah: "apesal la ummi buat muka pelik tiap kali baca buku? Baca je la cam org baca berita tuh.. ish ish ish"
1 big beetle... a big big beetle
A for apple... a big red apple
2 white pigeons.. outside the window
B for boat... a big yellow boat
3 white mice.. 3 white mice with coloured tails..
C for cat.. a big orange cat...
Indah: "apesal la ummi buat muka pelik tiap kali baca buku? Baca je la cam org baca berita tuh.. ish ish ish"
Enjoyed a lot! tits large natural B cheap b est b xenical b online Shade tree awning Apparel industry maternity
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