eheheh.. bought Indah a mcd today... it reminds me so much of my childhood days.. the songs that I used to sing.. kind of reminds me of my dad too.. he would sit at the corner of my class (I told you earlier I was penakut).. while waiting for me.. he would memorized the songs too.. he then sings it to me when I'm back at home.. to my surprised.. I found him singing the same songs to my daughter last weekend.. punya kuat ingatan dia.. i pun ingat ingat lupa.. ehheheheh
some of the songs in the cd tak pernah kudengar pun.. maybe kids nowadays tau la kot.. :) my all time favorite song would be:
Incy Wincy Spider
Incy Wincy Spider...
Climbing up the web...
Down came the rain
And wash the spider out....
Up came the sunshine drying up rain
And incy wincy spider
Climbing up again...
ehheheh.. I would sing this song and tickle Indah .... she will giggle and shake her hands up in the air ...Another favorite song (ni bukan lam CD la) would be....
Air pasang pagi
Surut pukul 5
Nyonya bangun pagi
Siram pokok bunga
Pokok bunga melur
Tanam tepi kolam
Itik bertelur ayam mengeram
Cik Baba jatuh dalam parit
Cik Aminah ketawa jerit jerit
Naik kereta api
Pergi Kuala Lumpur
Indah budak cantik
Ummi sorok dalam dapur...
hehehheheh :P klaka kan...
eheheh.. bought Indah a mcd today... it reminds me so much of my childhood days.. the songs that I used to sing.. kind of reminds me of my dad too.. he would sit at the corner of my class (I told you earlier I was penakut).. while waiting for me.. he would memorized the songs too.. he then sings it to me when I'm back at home.. to my surprised.. I found him singing the same songs to my daughter last weekend.. punya kuat ingatan dia.. i pun ingat ingat lupa.. ehheheheh
some of the songs in the cd tak pernah kudengar pun.. maybe kids nowadays tau la kot.. :) my all time favorite song would be:
Incy Wincy Spider
Incy Wincy Spider...
Climbing up the web...
Down came the rain
And wash the spider out....
Up came the sunshine drying up rain
And incy wincy spider
Climbing up again...
ehheheh.. I would sing this song and tickle Indah .... she will giggle and shake her hands up in the air ...Another favorite song (ni bukan lam CD la) would be....
Air pasang pagi
Surut pukul 5
Nyonya bangun pagi
Siram pokok bunga
Pokok bunga melur
Tanam tepi kolam
Itik bertelur ayam mengeram
Cik Baba jatuh dalam parit
Cik Aminah ketawa jerit jerit
Naik kereta api
Pergi Kuala Lumpur
Indah budak cantik
Ummi sorok dalam dapur...
hehehheheh :P klaka kan...
hehhe dgr jugak rupanya lagu kanak kanak... aku igt ko dodoikan ngan lagu lagu dewa.. peter pan.. so7..hehe
tu pun nasib baik..
kalau idak mesti dah kene nyanyi lagu dewa jugak la jawabnya
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