This time.. my entry on what u should know when ur baby is 8 months old would be a little bit different.. normally I would paste the milestone and progress of the baby from my readings..and later do short summary or write in between the lines.. if serius takde masa paste je laa info tuh.. however, today will be a little bit different..not that I am free of my workloads.. just that I feel like writing something more meaningful at this point of time.. I shall write about Indah's progress.... ehhe she is now 8 months and 2 weeks old.. :).. time do fly so fast unlike madonna's new song.. tipu je lyrics dia.. ade ke.. "time goes by.. so slowly..." where got.. u lier :P
Most babies I assume at this age are crawling at their very top speed..leh buat crawling race dah.. tapi most mums have this similar concerns.. if the baby is a girl, "abis la lutut anak dara aku!!" or it is a boy "aiyaa.. hitam lagi kaki / kaki seluar" ehhehe... some must have also started standing on their own and learning to walk.. hehe "tatih..tatih.." frankly speaking.. apa tatih tu ek?? singkatan perkataan apa ye? Jalan berlatih? .. hmm...some babies have also started growing teeth.. i mean teeth not tooth ye.. at least about 2.. hehe cute je...either 2 gigi bawah or 2 gigi atas...
So back to Indah... I feel that she is one special baby.. at this age.. she is still neither crawling nor growing teeth...being special as in she does everything in her own pace and her own style.. tak yah ikut normal milestone and progress...heheh .. she enjoys sitting down though with support.. if we let her sit on her own .. she will start to rock to sides , back & forth.. cam anak patung cina panggil "bu ta ong" .. alaa yang tolak jatuh pastu naik balik.. ape ntah cakap melayu & org putihnya ehhehe...when the tv is on especially showing her favorites such as Jojo the clown and tiny planets, she will sit sambil henjut henjut (ape ek henjut in english? ehhehe) tersengih sengih.. uuuuu.. eeee.. sound effect yang kluar dari mulut Indah ...
org tua tua kata.. if your baby doesn't grow any teeth yet.. maknanya.. tembuni a.k.a uri is burried deep in the ground :) ntah ye ntah idak wallah hualam.. :) eventhough she has no teeth/tooth.. her gum are strong.. she now eat a biscuit (biscuit marie or tiger ehehhe) on her own for breakfast.. she takes the biscuit with either her left or her right hand (most of the time left.. I think she's a lefty) and then she holds the biscuit with her two hands and slowy puts the biscuit in her mouth.. eheh she uses her gum to break the biscuit..once the biscuit is in her mouth she will chew it slowly and will only take another bite once there's no more in the mouth....
part tanak merangkak tu pulak.. org tua tua kata.. kalau budak tanak merangkak.. carik daun buluh and pukul (pelan pelan ala ala manja gitu) kat kaki budak nya.. ehehe ni pun wallah hualam...she has no sign of crawling.. not even a bit.. like in my previous posts 1 way to encourage a baby to crawl is by placing objects in front of her.. i did that too but it's not working la.. Indah doesn't crawl forward to reach the object.. but she rolls over.. guling guling..
ehehhe Indah loves standing.. she doesn't mind standing for a long time.. whenever she's tired.. she will bend one leg as if she is doing the ballerina..she acts as if she is standing on her own..with her hands stretching out wide just like Leornado D Caprio in Titanic saying "I'm the king of the world" in a baby's version. Babbling all the way.. so happy and cheerful...
Indah loves taking her bath...she enjoys it very much.. she would splish splash in the water and make cooing sounds.. she would look up at me in the eyes and smile.. her smile takes my breath away... every time.. without fail...
There's another thing that I notice about Indah..nowadays, she can't be left alone..and if she saw me pass by and I didn't go to her she will cry her heart out ...she recognises the family members, but still if I'm around she will still choose me.. this makes me so happy, honoured and appreciated.. she loves to place her tiny hands around my neck.. and when I kiss her cheeks and neck she would kiss me is such an undescribeable feeling... only mothers know how it feels.. :)
Today.. Papa Rai went to the registration office.. he went to collect Indah's IC.. :) at last after 8 months.. Indah has her IC... ehhehehe
So back to Indah... I feel that she is one special baby.. at this age.. she is still neither crawling nor growing teeth...being special as in she does everything in her own pace and her own style.. tak yah ikut normal milestone and progress...heheh .. she enjoys sitting down though with support.. if we let her sit on her own .. she will start to rock to sides , back & forth.. cam anak patung cina panggil "bu ta ong" .. alaa yang tolak jatuh pastu naik balik.. ape ntah cakap melayu & org putihnya ehhehe...when the tv is on especially showing her favorites such as Jojo the clown and tiny planets, she will sit sambil henjut henjut (ape ek henjut in english? ehhehe) tersengih sengih.. uuuuu.. eeee.. sound effect yang kluar dari mulut Indah ...
org tua tua kata.. if your baby doesn't grow any teeth yet.. maknanya.. tembuni a.k.a uri is burried deep in the ground :) ntah ye ntah idak wallah hualam.. :) eventhough she has no teeth/tooth.. her gum are strong.. she now eat a biscuit (biscuit marie or tiger ehehhe) on her own for breakfast.. she takes the biscuit with either her left or her right hand (most of the time left.. I think she's a lefty) and then she holds the biscuit with her two hands and slowy puts the biscuit in her mouth.. eheh she uses her gum to break the biscuit..once the biscuit is in her mouth she will chew it slowly and will only take another bite once there's no more in the mouth....
part tanak merangkak tu pulak.. org tua tua kata.. kalau budak tanak merangkak.. carik daun buluh and pukul (pelan pelan ala ala manja gitu) kat kaki budak nya.. ehehe ni pun wallah hualam...she has no sign of crawling.. not even a bit.. like in my previous posts 1 way to encourage a baby to crawl is by placing objects in front of her.. i did that too but it's not working la.. Indah doesn't crawl forward to reach the object.. but she rolls over.. guling guling..
ehehhe Indah loves standing.. she doesn't mind standing for a long time.. whenever she's tired.. she will bend one leg as if she is doing the ballerina..she acts as if she is standing on her own..with her hands stretching out wide just like Leornado D Caprio in Titanic saying "I'm the king of the world" in a baby's version. Babbling all the way.. so happy and cheerful...
Indah loves taking her bath...she enjoys it very much.. she would splish splash in the water and make cooing sounds.. she would look up at me in the eyes and smile.. her smile takes my breath away... every time.. without fail...
There's another thing that I notice about Indah..nowadays, she can't be left alone..and if she saw me pass by and I didn't go to her she will cry her heart out ...she recognises the family members, but still if I'm around she will still choose me.. this makes me so happy, honoured and appreciated.. she loves to place her tiny hands around my neck.. and when I kiss her cheeks and neck she would kiss me is such an undescribeable feeling... only mothers know how it feels.. :)
Today.. Papa Rai went to the registration office.. he went to collect Indah's IC.. :) at last after 8 months.. Indah has her IC... ehhehehe

Indah's IC :) all pink and so sweet....

yeyyyy.. I'm a legal Malaysian....

see everyone... here's my new IC... :)
hehhehe bestnyer citer ummi indah nih. rase cam tulis pasal eiffel pulaks... anyway..tahniah indah kerana berjaya menjadi rakyat malaysia yg ada mykid! eiffel siap bulan 2 nnti :D
ape ni ummi eiffel... tak paham laa hahahaha
selamat hari raya aidil adha baby indah n parentsnyer sekali :)
ehhe tq kekure yang comel :)
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