Holly cow!!!! Sh*t!! I've been cheated all these years!!! 28 years of my life!! That's excluding my parents' and parent' in law... bengong nya RIBENA!!!
All this while been claiming they have the most vitamin C.. skali FAILED the test that was run by kids???? Crazy!!!!
Boleh ke kita sue them??? Geramnya!!! I've been consuming ribena like forever.. and I drank more than I used too, when I was pregnant... and now.. Indah is drinking more Ribena that any baby that I know!!! Ish....bengong tul!!!!!
I stopped drinking Ribena years back when someone told me that it could 'yellow'ing my already yellow teeth. I dont know how true this is but well, its good anyway to stop drinking since it fails the vit c test.
yellow teeth?? hmm gigi aku pun takde la putih benar.. tapi aku nak saman laaa ribena ni!!! ko tau cara tak??
Tak boleh komplen kat MCMC ke? Hehehe.. macam komplen2 yang banyak2 aku dapat dulu. Lepas dah komplen, nanti sampai kat Ila jugak. Hahaha...
Cuba kau surf KPDNHEP ataupun tribunal pengguna atau kalau kat Penang, boleh refer to CAP.
MCMC ??? biar betul ko ni hahahahah.....mau kene kutuk je kang :P
heheh wei wei.. u better believe it my brader!!
Hi there!
I terkejut baca article ni. U ada full version of this article tak? If yes, please email to me deheart@gmail.com
Panas ni!!! panas!!! I dok kasi my son minum ribena at least 20ml per day ok!! gosh!! It's contained more sugar than coke! OMG!!!!!
alamak.. dah takde dah full article.. hmm nanti kalau i jumpa i email ek :))
btw, i dah stop giving my doter minum ribena!!
Interesting to know.
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