Sorry aaa.. so long never write anything here.. not that I have nothing to write but I just dunno where to begin with... Indah is growing and I really mean grow eheheh :P .. sape lom jumpa Indah bebaru ni.. baik tarik napas dalam dalam hahahaa.... Indah sangat sangat sehat :)
This month, I can officially declare it as the MOVIE WATCHING month.. not just for Indah but for both Papa Rai and myself.. :) lama sehh tak tgk wayang.. so we decided to bring Indah as well.. senang cerita :P
1st movie yang Indah watched was TRANSFORMERS.. this more than meets the eyes movie really caught her attention.. all the time she went "robot big!!!robot big!!!" tak henti henti.. and I don't blame her as we got the FIRST row from the screen seats.. Too many people on that day and that was the only time we had .. so.. nak tak nak kene la tgk jugak.. sib baik cite nya ok :P

Next movie was hehehe The Simpsons Movie.. hahahaha.. u might think I am crazy enough to bring Indah to to watch this movie.. but it was all ok.. she watched it for almost 3/4 of the movie.. dah nak abis tu dia restless.. cam dah boring...the movie was good in many ways.. have lots of maksud tersirat in it...

The last movie we watched together for this month was Ratatouille... best gila kartun ni :)
so good to watch that Indah was paying close attention to it..
tak rugi bawak budak kecik :) and not forgetting orang besar...

Can't wait to watch BEE MOVIE next :)
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