Indah: "Mom.. u have a baby in ur tummy mom?"
Ummi: "Yes, I do"
Indah: "Yeyyyy.. let's go to hospital mom.. we can bring home the baby"
Ummi: "Eh not yet la.. another 9 months to go"
Indah: "Awww... shuckss... I want a cute baby mom.. I want to push her in the stroller.. hold her in my hands.. a small baby mom..."
Ummi: "Ok Indah"
Papa: "Do you want a brother or a sister Indah?"
Indah: " I want 2 sisters!! They can play with me.. it will be so much fun!!"
Guess... the conversations tell it all :) Alhamdullilah.. my application for Baby no 2 is approved.. :)
Ummi: "Yes, I do"
Indah: "Yeyyyy.. let's go to hospital mom.. we can bring home the baby"
Ummi: "Eh not yet la.. another 9 months to go"
Indah: "Awww... shuckss... I want a cute baby mom.. I want to push her in the stroller.. hold her in my hands.. a small baby mom..."
Ummi: "Ok Indah"
Papa: "Do you want a brother or a sister Indah?"
Indah: " I want 2 sisters!! They can play with me.. it will be so much fun!!"
Guess... the conversations tell it all :) Alhamdullilah.. my application for Baby no 2 is approved.. :)
Tahniah..alhamdulillah. Semoga pregnancy berjalan lancar...usah stress2...hehehe, bleh ke tak stress keje sini? Boleh kot..kalau pi urut/buat facial kat my spa (sempat promo lagi tu...hehehehe)
eheh tq tq :)
haah nanti ct gi spa along!!
kasi cun melecun hahhaha
alhamdulillah..congrats dear...berjaya jugak...ehehhehee
U take care...jgn lasak2 tau
Congrat's Sityyyy!!!!!!
Alhamdulillah.... semoga semua berjalan lancar.. aminnn
congratss tubbies... hehehe... indah hepi gille tunggu adik... aku pun hepi dengar berita neh.. take care :)
Sity, CONGRATS! welcome to the club...:-) suker dengar citer Indah x sabar dpt adik. Take care.
Tahniah! Sity..take care k..jgn lupe ek add akak nyer blog nie..heheheh
Dapat twin - one boy, one girl laa macam J-Lo. Boleh aku panggil kau Si-Lo.... hahahahah
Congrats sity...& take care... selamat menempuh 9 months journey once again... :-)
P/S: Ko igt aku lg ke...
-MaLia SaMian
aapitz: eheh tq beb :P insya allah aku jaga diri aku elok elok hehehe
lenny: hehe tq lenny..
ochid: heheh apa lagi ochid.. bila lak ko nak start project? hehehe
happytogether: haah mai.. tq suka gila cik indah tu :P
zanazahari: tq kak zana :P welcome to the werld of blogging!!
deo: elee ko ni.ada je nickname nak kasi aku .. wei congrats jugek ek!!
ila sakinah: tq malia.. apelak lupa.. mana leh lupe housemate!!
Congrat CT
happy nyer Indah nak dapat adik
pasnih jangkitkan kat jiran tau
Alhamdulillah.. congrats Sity!
Jenuh laa ko layan Indah nyer soklan... 'bila baby nak kuar??'
miss moon: ehehhehe haah happy gila si indah.. :)
anis: haah anis.. penat aku.. ari ari ajak aku gi hospital.. tanya bila baby nak kuar.. adei laa
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