taken from Berita Harian - pg 16
I was reading through the newspaper when I came across this article.. it brought tears to my eyes.. it is so true when people say that delivering a baby is a battle between life and death.. and it is even harder when the mother is not well...
This article is about a strong mother who was diagnosed with breast cancer.. since the cancer cells has spread rapidly through her body, her brain was "brain dead" and she had to deliver her baby while she was in a coma. She was on live support since August 7, to allow the baby grow in her tummy. Drs thought that she could stay healthy up to 32 weeks of pregnancy but they had to do the ceasarian earlier due to the mother's unhealthy condition. The baby was pre-mature and weights only a kilo...
The saddest part was when the husband has requested for the Drs to allow the wife to be on live support for a few more days so that the wife wouldn't die on the day the baby was delivered.... :(.. sedey nya :( tak leh nak bayang kalau jadi kat diri sendiri.. camne ?
To all ladies,mothers out there, do take good care of your health and your loved ones....
The best way to fight breast cancer is through early detection, either with a clinical or self breast examination. To learn how to do a breast self examination do come down on any Saturday 23 Sept to 7 Oct to one of these three venues: Pantai Medical Centre in Bangsar at the Women & Children Centre on the Ground Floor Hospital Pantai Ayer Keroh, Malacca at the lobby of the New Building Or Hospital Pantai Mutiara, Penang at the Oncology Waiting Room on the Ground Floor. From 10am to 4pm, there will be nurses and doctors on hand to teach you how to do a breast self examination for free. Every woman would like to age gracefully and be healthy in their golden years. Make sure that dream comes true for you and the women you care about. this weekend - take the time learn how to do a breast self examination.
ahhhh sedeyyynyerrr....
bnyk nyer citer sedey lately nih..
tu laa.. smalam ko nya article.. aku nangis.. ni cite ni lak aku nangis lagi.. uwaaaa
alamak...along lama tak baca paper, tak tau plak cite ni. Tapi sedihnya...ades..sian pada anak kecil, tak dpt kenal ibu dia. Kesian pada ibu , tak dapat dengar tangisan anak dia, tak dpt kucup, tak dapat pegang dan sayang. Sian pada abah dia, dapat rezeki anak tapi kehilangan isteri tercinta.
Along memang selalu buat self examination breast, kekadang hubby pun tolong. Hahahha, tapi doktor along pun cakap, memang elok get hubby involved pun sebab kekadang dia yg lebih tahu bile badan kita ni berubanh sket. Hehehehe, oklah doktor, akan ku suruh hubby selalu "tolong" dalam hal ini.
besarnya kasih ibu...touching nya artikel ni...ya allah semoga kita semua sihat supaya dpt menjaga anak2 kita ngan baik...amin
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