Alhamdulillah.... Yihaaaa!!!! I can now blog again!!! Thank you Google!! I promise that I shall read the T&C more carefully in the future!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yay! macam mati hidup semula lah ni, kena nyanyi lagu jamal abdillah laa. bila dah recover blog, posting tu janganlah ala-ala blog ter'delete' (outdated lah tu)... yay!
Hehe..welcome back sity..bahaya jugak eh bila blogger nie dah shift to google, we're not aware of the consequences of deleting one service...alih2x blog indah yang terdelete..derang kena caution customer ler....sapa la nak baca T&C..
tu la pasal... i pun rakus sgt nak buang google tuh.. pastu tak baca elok elok.. nahhh amikkk ilang terus the whole blog.. drama swasta gak la kejap kat opis hehehe :P sib baik google baik ati :P time kasih en google!!!
yay! u're back!
yup!!! i'm back!!
ehehehe sronoknya!!!!!!!!!!
yay! macam mati hidup semula lah ni, kena nyanyi lagu jamal abdillah laa. bila dah recover blog, posting tu janganlah ala-ala blog ter'delete' (outdated lah tu)...
ngok tul la ko ni azrul!! suka kasi aku potong stim!! :P
Hehe..welcome back sity..bahaya jugak eh bila blogger nie dah shift to google, we're not aware of the consequences of deleting one service...alih2x blog indah yang terdelete..derang kena caution customer ler....sapa la nak baca T&C..
tu la pasal... i pun rakus sgt nak buang google tuh.. pastu tak baca elok elok.. nahhh amikkk ilang terus the whole blog.. drama swasta gak la kejap kat opis hehehe :P sib baik google baik ati :P time kasih en google!!!
patutler tak berjaya makcik nak tgk blog cik kiah nieh.. kene delete yer.. hehheheh .... rindu cik bedahhh...:P
YEY...u'r back in action...ley tgk aksi indah lagik...yEy...
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