I've been dreaming of buying this three wheeler for my baby since hmm since bila ek? ntah tak ingat hehehe .. alhamdulillah rezeki Indah murah.. dapat ummi n papa belikan tuk Indah kete baru.. pehhh .. ummi pun tak penah naik kete canggih cam gitu.. ehehhe saje beli yg leh pakai sampai Indah besar.. memandangkan Indah ada papa punya gene terlebih.. ummi rasa Indah akan tinggi.. eheh so i bought you this three wheeler :) hope you enjoy your new car sayang :) ummi loves Indah
kete mahal tuh indah... auntie ayu tgk pun.. rase nak duduk dlm tuh..heheh
ummi..ada airbag tak??
heard about the new addition to the family, congrats sity!
indah sity insyirah, very nice name. :)
ehehehe.. alaaa yu.. kalau tak kerana sale takde aku belinya :))
ko kompem tak muat ok :))
tq kran :)
Nak tanyalah...berkenan dgn keter Indah. Beli kat maner yer n harga dia. Rasa macam kat mothercare yer.
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