Last Saturday we went to Senawang for Auntie Mimi's wedding.. she was beautiful.. all pretty in her gold kebaya :) .. really look like a Minang's princess.. eheheh tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..... Ummi lupa nak amik gamba pengantin nya.. adehhh... need to wait for others to upload some pics of the wedding .. so Ummi leh "pinjam" and place it here... hehhee After the delicious yummy makan makan... we went to PD... to trace back memories where Papa Rai was brought up... it all started here.. in Kem Latihan Tentera Darat Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan... Papa Rai stayed here for almost 6 years (1981-1987)

ehhe ni gambar entrance nya.. depan rumah pak guard.. masam masam muka pak guard nya.. tapi peramah.. eheheh pelik tapi benar...

Ni dulu.. bekas tapak umah Papa Rai.. the house he stayed in.. tapi dah takde.. dah jadi tpt latihan askar...

this was Papa Rai's kindergarden.. :) it was called kelas Singa back then eheheh now it is called Teratai :P...

jeng..jeng..jeng... this was the house Papa Rai used to stay.. almost 5 years..

this was his room :)

tinggi gila kan gelungsur ni.. cam zirafah je rupanya... seriously very tall...

primary school...Sekolah Kebangsaan Panglima Adnan....inilahhh sekolah rendah ku.. la la la la .. ntah camne ntah lagu skolah nya :P

after jalan-jalan.. we went to the beach.. dah lama tak pegi beach.. and Indah tak pernah pun...

abg an pun dah lama tak pegi beach.. sonok sakan pas makan nasi lemak hehehe....

yey yey ... Ummi... seee I'm taller than Papa yeyyyyy....

Indah's first step on the beach.. ehheheh so ceriaaaa

Tatih..tatih.... tatih... ehhhhh

Indah comellllll......................

Dua branak merenung masa depan.. chewaaahhhhh

Yeyyyyyyyy.. len kali kita gi lagi ye Ummmii... :)
indah so cute.....
eheh tq mama mia :)
hehhe gf is sooo comel heeee
Really like the last photo.. Indah smiled!!. So cute..
ehhe i also like this photo very much.. kalau ada gigi lagi kiut ehehehe
hai...i also x-SKPA (86-89) Djh 1-5...u thn bile ye?
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