Tangisan Sekeping Hati - Alleycats
Awan berarak berguguran hujan
Menagih sekeping hati
Nyiur melambai memanggil namamu
Setiap titisan
Air mata ku jatuh ke bumi
Rindu ku kembali
Wajah mu di mata ku
Pada siapa kan ku beri hati ini
Setelah aku bersendiri
Telah ku cuba mencari pengganti
Tapi ternyata tak terdaya
Menagih sekeping hati
Nyiur melambai memanggil namamu
Setiap titisan
Air mata ku jatuh ke bumi
Rindu ku kembali
Wajah mu di mata ku
Pada siapa kan ku beri hati ini
Setelah aku bersendiri
Telah ku cuba mencari pengganti
Tapi ternyata tak terdaya
Last year, at about this time around.. I was in Leo Burnett's Office.. while waiting for my tea break, I received a call from Hasni.. a friend of hubby's and mine. I still remember the conversation...
Hasni: "Assalamualaikum Sity.. ko kat ne?"
Ummi:"Waalaikumussalam.. aku kat Menara Olympia .. kat Leo Burnett .. ada meeting.. nape ye?"
Hasni:"Hmm.. ko tau tak Aqam accident?"
Ummi:"Accident? Eh ye ke? Tatau pulak...teruk ke?"
Hasni:"Hmm...aku dengar dia meninggal..hmmm"
Ummi:"Allah.. biar betul ko ni hasni.. dia baru call aku tadi..."
Hasni:"Hmm takpe lahh.. aku try tanya orang lain dulu ok.."
Ummi:"hmm ok..."
I was stunned.. speechless.. what else can I say.. dumbfolded.. toreh muka tak kuar darah.. then my phone rang again...It was Fishie..another dear friend..
Fishie:"Ty.. betul ke Aqam ninggal Ty?"
Ummi:"Tu laa.. aku baru dpt tau dari Hasni.. betul ke wei? Dia baru je call aku.. Jgn la memain.. aku tak suka laa main main cam ni"
Fishie:"Aku dapat YM ni .. azrai yang anta...tak kan azrai nak memain kot"
Ummi:"Azrai?? apesal dia tak cakap kat aku? betul ke ??"
Fishie:"Aku nak call org lain dulu.. kang aku call ko balik.. ko kat ne ni?"
Ummi:"Ok.. aku kat LB baru abis meeting.. kang ko call aku balik ek"
Then I made a call to Arwah's phone.. no ringging.. **** betul ke ni?? Allah.. jgn lah... I tried again and again.. I didn't want the news to be real.. I can't accept it if it is real..
then I called Fawcett .. arwah's ex housemate...
Ringging....I didn't had a chance to open my mouth yet and fawcett had replied...
Fawcet:"Betul sity.. betul.. apa ko dengar betul... tgh hari tadi.. nadya kat spital nih.. "
then I felt like my world came tumbling down.. I was so dizzy .. and I couldn't stop my tears no more.. then another call came in...this time is was Nadya...
Ummi:"Nad.. ko kat ne?"
Nadya:"Aku kat spital..baru kluar bilik mayat.. Aqam dah takde Sity".. she cried and couldn't continue any more... I can't remember much .. I was crying as well..
Nora.. my officemate had to calm me down as I need do drive home alone.. it was sad.. it was bad.. I could still recall our conversation at 12 noon.. she was looking for my Manager that afternoon.. she said she had to settle some things.. and that was the last thing I heard from her... :(
I know that with tears I can never bring her back..
I know that I will neither see her dimple smile nor hear funny chuckle voice...
I know that I will never get to hear her calling me "Mukky..."
I know I never had the chance to tell her I love her as a friend...
I know I never had the chance to thank her for her kindness...
All I know is that beautiful memories that I share will always remain in my heart..
And when Indah is big enough to understand the meaning of friendship...
I will always tell Indah about my dear friend Allahyarhamah Nor'Ashiqin Bt Mohd Ali...
Al-Fatihah.. how I missed you so dearly... :~~~(
*sigh* al-fatihah to arwah. miss her so much. she was my source for religion ques and doubts.
kak sity, buat saya nangis balik. mmg ramai org sayang kat dia. bahagian masing2, kita nanti tak tau macamana kesudahannya.
hi leila.. yup.. same here too.. :) my realiable source ...
eheh lek la ika... masa akak tulis ni pun berjurai gak air mata.. tapi like i said.. with tears i can't bring her back.. :) therefore.. sedekah kan lah fatihah kat dia.. insya allah satu hari jika diizikan Nya.. kita akan jumpa dia kat sana.. i'm waiting for that moment.. to share stories with her once again.. like i used too.. :)
my condolences sity.
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! »
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