Yeahh... Indah's 1st trip oversea ... Indah went to Bali, Indonesia :)
eheheh Indah excited nak naik aeroplane for 3 hrs.. adeii... sib baik Indah good girl :)
It was a beautiful trip.. there were 9 adults and 2 babies, all packed and ready to travel to Bali...we went on August 1-4 (3 days 2 nites stay)... thanks to Air Asia.. now, all of us can fly together ehheheh :)
Our trip was a success.. thanks to Pak Popo, Ibu Yan, Anak Ilham, Pak Zizi, Ibu Ina, Ibu Leila, Ibu Aida & Pak Ikhwan.. ehem.. Ibu Aida and Pak Ikhwan takde pape ke? hehehhe..Ayu, Fendi & Eiffel was supposed to join us but due to some reasons, tak leh .. maybe next time :)
We stayed in Hotel Restu Bali in Kuta... very convenient area.. there was a 7/11 across the street and McD next door .. hehe malam malam lapa pegi je carik kat sini :)
We spent the afternoon at the pool side... ate our lunch and later, Indah went for a swim ...after the swim, Papa Rai rent a motorcycle and three of us went round the Kuta town on the bike.. heheh...

We had our dinner at this beautiful cafe, called the Cafe Etnik..the food was yummy and the food presentation was marvellous...
Aida's nasi...
Fishie's mee goreng...
We went back to the hotel after dinner.. need to get a good rest for an adventurers start tomorrow :)...
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